Oh Miss H...you know how sometimes you meet someone, and you just "click"? Like you know that they are cool AF and you're going to be instant friends? That's Miss H. She has somehow managed to weather some pretty rocky life storms and still be an amazing sweet person with a heart of gold. Read some of her story below.

Name Heather
How old were you at your session? 39
What made you decide to book a session? I had always wanted to do one. I'm turning 40 on Christmas. I'm widowed with two small kids and one in college. I wanted to do this now for myself.
What was originally holding you back from booking a session? Time. Money. Poor self image.
What were you the most nervous about for your session? Being seen by others in lingerie. It goes back to that poor self image. But I was determined to not let that stop me.
What were you most looking forward to prior to your session? I was looking forward to seeing how Lisa would have me pose, but also hair and makeup! I've rarely had someone else do my makeup and I always love the outcome.
How did you feel about yourself before your session? I was worried how I would look in the outfits I chose, even though I personally love them. I was just nervous how they would look to someone else.
Describe your experience. It was amazing! From start to finish it was like hanging out with old friends. If there had been a pillow fight and more than just me in my underwear, it would've been every guy's dream of a girl's sleepover. Lisa and Tiara make you feel at home and beautiful even when you're in your sweats getting made up. They manage to keep the whole experience upbeat and fun, while working you through many different poses, outfits, and sets.
How did you feel about yourself after your session? I was proud of myself for going through with it. I felt empowered. I had never fully appreciated my curves until I came out of that session. As one of my friend's said "the blinders came off" and I was finally seeing what others saw, and even better I LIKED it.
Were you nervous before viewing your images? I was definitely nervous! I knew that they would be great, but I wanted what I saw on the screen to live up to the hype in my head. And boy did it live up to the hype!
How did you feel about yourself after seeing your images? I loved my images! Even though I was stuck in quarantine with my kids I couldn't stop smiling about it.
What were your favorite products? I LOVE LOVE LOVE my boudie book!! It's hands down the best part for me.
What would you tell anyone interested in, but maybe hesitant, booking a session of their own? I'd tell them that it's a blast. That it's the best thing that I've ever done for myself. I'd tell them that they should absolutely book as soon as they can so that they can see for themselves what others already see.
How as working with Lisa and the makeup artist? Can I give 10 stars? Because they're AMAZING!
Will you be doing another session? Absofreakinglutely!
Ready to embrace your inner Goddess? Let's chat about your Dream Boudoir Session. It can be as sultry or implied as you wish. Your session is all about YOU at LGP. Fill out the contact form below for more information.